Saturday, December 8, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 8 - Jack Frost

Well, I have officially made it through an entire week and starting on the next one. I sincerely hope I can keep this going.

Anyway, moving right on in. I started in on my list of words and chose the words "jack frost" for my next video search.

Many videos and such would come out of this search and I was hoping for the best. Finally, it seems, I have reached a video from my childhood.

I remember watching this video as a child and heck even as an adult right around Christmas time. For those that haven't seen it yet...maybe you were just born. It's sure to make a come back this year, I hope. It's a kids movies of course but it's an enjoyable one.

I have to say this video certainly is "time well spent". You can reconnect with your childhood and see a classic all at the same time. Well, that's about all I have to say about this video. Trying to keep these short.

So there you have it. Day 8 is done. Wonder what I will find for Day 9.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette looking forward to Christmas classics.

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