Monday, December 17, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 17 & 18 - Tinsel & Garland

Back again are you? Well, this is going to be a double shot of videos so it'll be much shorter on the reviewing end. Why a double shot?

Tomorrow, I'll be leaving my home early, spending the night somewhere, then making the rest of the trek in the morning to pick up my brother on Wednesday. In the end, I might not even be back on Wednesday but Thursday. So there might be a double shot now and one when I get back as I most likely won't be taking my laptop with me.

But let's jump in. I went for two different words: "tinsel" & "garland". With that put into YouTube these were the videos I found.

All right, let's break this up a bit.

Video 1: Is this some sort of soap opera? I'm even sure where this comes from and honestly...I don't really want to do the work to find out. I really hate soap operas with their excessive drama. Even the acting seems rather rough considering it might be a soap opera. So really....who cares?

Video 2: I took a chance watching this video because it didn't seem to be a music video per say just a guy singing. After watching this video, I knew I had heard this guy before. He has a great voice and can really hit those notes. This guy really has it going for him and he'snot bad looking either. I say, time well spent. I think for once...I might break my own rules and look for more of this guy on the chance it gets even better.

So there we are, my Day 17 & 18 double shot of the Video Roulette Christmas special. The time for Christmas is counting down. Got your shopping done? I know I did.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I'll take some Garland.

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