Friday, December 7, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 7 - Snowflake

Welcome back for post number 2 today. This being day 7 of the Video Roulette Christmas Special. In hindsight I'll never do this much work again.

Right, I'm going to make this a quick one considering I rather hate the video I was forced to watch.

With a friend, we worked up a list of possible Christmas themed words to search for in YouTube. When I got to the word "snowflake" this is what I found:

Again, another "lovely" song from super simple songs. I understand these songs are for children so they have to be brainlessly simple. Unfortunately for me, I stopped being a child a long time ago and my brain starting leaking out of my ears. Took a lot of work to get that back into my head.

Like it's previous brother...sister...whatever, it gets a...who cares rating. As in I really don't care whether I ever see one of these again.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I seriously fear for future generations.

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