Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 11 - Christmas

Ah welcome to Day 11 of the Christmas Special. Incidentally, I looked back at my previous posts and noticed where I had two Day 9's which I went and fixed one of them.

With all the numbers in their proper order, it's time for the next Christmas themed word but in a way this is a change in the way I've been doing it. I was scanning around YouTube watching various Ashens videos for my amusement before starting the search for my next video.

While I was watching some of his videos, I saw a Christmas video that he had liked. Well, I was curious enough and lazy enough to just watch the video and avoid my own duties for the next 3 minutes. But by doing so, I ended up deciding that the video I watched would be my video for today. I was shocked that it wasn't a word I had used yet, that word being Christmas, and I could use it without repeating a previous post.

So without further adieu...

Honestly, with that title I was more than intrigued. Even I know who Right Said Fred is and now there's a Christmas song featuring them. I was pretty happy to say the least. Plus the animations were silly enough to make me curious.

By the time I finished watching this video I was smiling. It's just so catchy and goofy I couldn't help but to smile and chuckle. The video is extremely well made with great animations and the lyrics aren't something you'd expect out of a Christmas video.

Appropriately enough, I dub this video with a special 'hallelujah chorus' for it's awesomeness.

 That's all for now. I can only hope my next video will be coming from another divine intervention like this one.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I love my goofy Christmas videos.

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