Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 5 - Snowman

Once again, I am back with the next video for Day 5 of Video Roulette's Christmas Special.

Today was a bit of a doozy when I was looking for a video. The first one only gave me a how to, the next came me cannon fodder for my next top 8 videos that almost made it, one more how to before finally coming into internet nirvana. It was glorious.

By now you have probably looked at the title above and wondered why the heck am I going on and on about how great a video about a snowman was. True most snowmen never turn out the way they do on television because they are a bunch of liars. But when you take someone with a prankster attitude and a snowman statue like suit...well you get this:

I actually remember watching one of these in the past and nearly peeing myself while laughing. The reactions of the people passing by are priceless. I especially love when grown men scream like little girls.

By the title of the video alone you can tell they have been on this for quite sometime. One would think everyone would get wise to it but still as long as they don't then we can watch and laugh.

Honestly, I could watch this over and over and never get bored. I bet the reactions in person are so much better. As you can probably guess by now, I have a bit of a devious streak in that my enjoyment of this is a little much. Which is why I will give this my 'Hallelujah Chorus' rating. It's always funnier when it's not happening to you.

And there we are, Day 5 has gone by. Still a long way to go but it'll be an interesting trip.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I'm off to watch more funny snowman pranks.

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