And here we are one again. Day 12. At least this is sorta the halfway point of the 25 Days of Christmas. SO on the bright side only 12 more videos to go. Only 11 if I don't do one Christmas day considering the amount of running around to relatives I have to undertake with my family.
With that goal in mind, time to take a step towards the end. Thankfully, another divine intervention stepped in as I searched for a video for this special. I figured there were hundreds if not thousands of videos on YouTube showing off the Christmas lights on a house with and without music. Some of them were quite funny or ingenious.
This reminded me of a video a friend sent me to watch. Mostly because I think it worried her about the state of the world's mental health. Yes, this video came from none other than Cinema Chick. I figured, why not do a video she sent me some days ago? The word is Christmas themed and I haven't done it yet. Works for me.
So without further adieu, the video about Christmas lights:
Now I'm more than well aware of this song and video taking the world by storm. I had only heard it originally through the internet for the most part. I play a little too much Second Life and I couldn't get away from this song for the most part. It wasn't until recently when I was driving around town that the song finally came over the airways.
I was more than willing to admit a song can gain popularity from the internet because everyone uses it. But making it from the internet to the airwaves. That was a little odd for me considering it usually changes a bit in the transition. This song didn't change at all.
Personally...I think this is one of the most annoying songs of this year. And to my dismay, it's EVERYWHERE. I fully understand enjoying a song because it's funny or unique. But this song seems more like a parody of itself in the first place. Not something to be taken seriously. Yet, it's being taken seriously enough in the above video to be used to time their Christmas lights to. Hell, there's even a face winking at the viewer while singing the lyrics.
My only plus about this situation is that I don't live next to this person. I think I'd go insane within a few repeats of that song not to mention the lights flashing constantly. I hope they turn those things off at night.
I'm sticking with my friend Cinema Chick on this one, 'I'm scared' too. I'd have preferred some Christmas music or if you HAVE to do something more modern or whatever go for some Tran-Siberian Orchestra. Just don't think this is the best idea ever.
I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I will NEVER do that dance.
With that goal in mind, time to take a step towards the end. Thankfully, another divine intervention stepped in as I searched for a video for this special. I figured there were hundreds if not thousands of videos on YouTube showing off the Christmas lights on a house with and without music. Some of them were quite funny or ingenious.
This reminded me of a video a friend sent me to watch. Mostly because I think it worried her about the state of the world's mental health. Yes, this video came from none other than Cinema Chick. I figured, why not do a video she sent me some days ago? The word is Christmas themed and I haven't done it yet. Works for me.
So without further adieu, the video about Christmas lights:
Now I'm more than well aware of this song and video taking the world by storm. I had only heard it originally through the internet for the most part. I play a little too much Second Life and I couldn't get away from this song for the most part. It wasn't until recently when I was driving around town that the song finally came over the airways.
I was more than willing to admit a song can gain popularity from the internet because everyone uses it. But making it from the internet to the airwaves. That was a little odd for me considering it usually changes a bit in the transition. This song didn't change at all.
Personally...I think this is one of the most annoying songs of this year. And to my dismay, it's EVERYWHERE. I fully understand enjoying a song because it's funny or unique. But this song seems more like a parody of itself in the first place. Not something to be taken seriously. Yet, it's being taken seriously enough in the above video to be used to time their Christmas lights to. Hell, there's even a face winking at the viewer while singing the lyrics.
My only plus about this situation is that I don't live next to this person. I think I'd go insane within a few repeats of that song not to mention the lights flashing constantly. I hope they turn those things off at night.
I'm sticking with my friend Cinema Chick on this one, 'I'm scared' too. I'd have preferred some Christmas music or if you HAVE to do something more modern or whatever go for some Tran-Siberian Orchestra. Just don't think this is the best idea ever.
I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I will NEVER do that dance.
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