Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Top 5 Fave Christmas Videos

Finally, I have made it back. Later than I hoped but I managed to pull myself together here at the end of the day to lay out what are my favorite Christmas Videos from YouTube.

What better way to end Christmas than to remember some funny, spectacular and all around great music...as well as some geekery. *ahem*

Well, let's get this party started.

And one side note, I won't be doing a detailed review of these videos. At this point, I'm lucky to be awake considering my lack of grammar or typonese that's happening to me right now.

I will come back for a future post to give more elaboration once I've had something called sleep. I hear it does wonders.

So let's start off with...

Number 5
Faith Hill - Where are You Christmas?

What can I say? I'm a fan of Faith Hill and a fan of this song.

Number 4
Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus

Who doesn't love a good flash mob and by people who can actually sing? I must give props where props are due.

Number 3
Doctor Who: The Snowmen - Christmas Special Trailer

Okay, while this doesn't have anything to do with Christmas music or a Christmas movie...he does fight a bad..."force" and saves the world in time for Christmas. I'll be waiting for my turn to ride in the TARDIS.

Number 2
Chevy Chase (Christmas Vacation Rant)

Okay, if you haven't seen this movie or at least never heard of it even in passing...I don't know if we couldn't ever be friends till you watched it. Might make exceptions if you like tacos though.

And the Number 1 Fave Video for Christmas is....
Christmas Eve/Sarajevo [Timeless Version] by the Trans Siberian Orchestra

Now this song and video are my absolute faves. It's exciting, thrilling, enjoyable, and classic with rock n' roll thrown in. I would go nuts if I ever got to see them in concert. It's on my bucket list.

So there you have it, my Top 5 Fave Christmas Videos from YouTube.

I sincerely hope you and yours had a great holiday this year no matter what it is you celebrate. I know I did.

As for me, I think the bed is calling my name right about now.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I love Christmas.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

About the Christmas Special hiatus

Well, as most can figure that actually look at this site, though if no one's reading I'm talking to myself and that's a bit disturbing, knows that for the past few days there hasn't been any videos for the preceding days.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I was going with my father to pick up my brother from basic. Pretty much all of my days have been filled with family hang outs and more Christmas shopping and the like. By the time I'd get home, I was too tired to even care.

So, tomorrow will be the first day I have free to catch up a bit. Yet, considering the amount of days I have to cover I will be doing something different.

I will scour the YouTube pages for what my fave four Christmas themed videos are and I may rate those or just talk about each one in turn briefly. On Christmas Eve, I will made a bit of time to post one for Christmas Eve and I will drag my tired corpse in on Christmas Day for the grand finale.

Until then, don't let the crazy shopping and stress get to you and enjoy the time you're off from work or are looking forward to the presents you'll be receiving. I know I've dreamt about that.

This is Creative Karma and I will return.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 17 & 18 - Tinsel & Garland

Back again are you? Well, this is going to be a double shot of videos so it'll be much shorter on the reviewing end. Why a double shot?

Tomorrow, I'll be leaving my home early, spending the night somewhere, then making the rest of the trek in the morning to pick up my brother on Wednesday. In the end, I might not even be back on Wednesday but Thursday. So there might be a double shot now and one when I get back as I most likely won't be taking my laptop with me.

But let's jump in. I went for two different words: "tinsel" & "garland". With that put into YouTube these were the videos I found.

All right, let's break this up a bit.

Video 1: Is this some sort of soap opera? I'm even sure where this comes from and honestly...I don't really want to do the work to find out. I really hate soap operas with their excessive drama. Even the acting seems rather rough considering it might be a soap opera. So really....who cares?

Video 2: I took a chance watching this video because it didn't seem to be a music video per say just a guy singing. After watching this video, I knew I had heard this guy before. He has a great voice and can really hit those notes. This guy really has it going for him and he'snot bad looking either. I say, time well spent. I think for once...I might break my own rules and look for more of this guy on the chance it gets even better.

So there we are, my Day 17 & 18 double shot of the Video Roulette Christmas special. The time for Christmas is counting down. Got your shopping done? I know I did.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I'll take some Garland.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 16 - Spice

Welcome back for day 16 of the Video Roulette Christmas Special.

Now, you might be wondering why am I not doing a list of the top 8 videos that almost made the cut. Well, it  is getting late here and I won't have the time to do one tonight. But secondly, I don't really have 8 videos have haven't made the cut. For the most part, I've been extremely lucky in finding videos I can review.

So, I say to that, if you think you have a video that would work for my top 8 videos that almost made the cut, I welcome you to link the video to me on twitter or on facebook.

Onward to the video.  Christmas words are running a bit thin and I'm doing my best to save the ones giving me Christmas videos till the very end. Why the word spice? Well anyone that knows their stories knows about the presents brought at the birth of Jesus. At the very least, we spice up the food and drinks around the holidays.

With the word "spice" leading the way, we have this video:

I can give my rating right now: OMGWTF?!

Yeah that's not on the rating scale but the last part of that is. The guys voicing over the video are hilarious but the game...just no.

I'm sorry to say I ever liked the group at this point.

There's....nothing else to really say. I never ever want to see this video game again...EVER.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I'm in dire need of brain bleach.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 15 - Family

Ah, day 15 and life is good. I finished up all my Christmas shopping today save for filling up a stocking once I know who's stocking I'm going to fill up. It's a family tradition of ours now to draw names from a hat to determine who will be filling up whose stocking.

This is yet to be discovered as my brother is currently still in training for the national guard till we pick him up on Tuesday. We are more than ecstatic that he is getting time back at home for Christmas and the New Year.

Being on that subject, I decided that searching for the word 'family' would be a good enough word for my Christmas Special. As we all know it's the season for all families to come together and spend time with one another.

And with my thoughts set to 'family' YouTube had something else in mind for a video:

I have to admit this is soooo my favorite moment from Family Guy. This show is one of my all time faves and this episode was so funny.

I could watch this video over and over again and looking even for every part of this running gag through the show. It makes me laugh every time. That's why this even makes me sing a 'hallelujah chorus'.

Well, that's all from this chick. I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I know the bird is the word.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 14 - Advent Calendar

Day 14 of the Video Roulette Christmas Special and I'm going strong once again. Last night I more or less breezed through that out of pure tiredness.

Last night I saw a video that I wasn't sure what to do with. My mind simply refused to process what I saw. Maybe I needed something simpler but now with my brain refreshed, I jumped back on to look at the video again. 

I needed to see if the oddity was with the video or my brain. If it was the video then it'd be placed on the list of videos that almost made the cut; however, if it was my brain...well then I need t get that checked and give it a fair show.

The words that sparked this effort were submitted by the Cinema Chick: advent calendar. While this is technically an online version of that I never thought before to actually use that as the Christmas words. 

For those that need the definition of advent calendar: a large card with a brightly colored sometimes tinseled design on it that contains small numbered doors for children to open on each of the days of Advent, revealing pictures beneath them. And the word Advent means the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas, observed in commemoration of the coming of Christ into the world.

So here is the video that the words Advent calendar:

This video at first threw me for a loop. Imagine watching this when you are physically and mentally tired and trying to make sense out of what you're seeing or even wanting to think that hard.

So the second time around I watched it with a clean slate and while it still threw me I at least knew where I could go with it and the words that come to mind: WTF?! 

I honestly wanted to know what these guys were thinking. Sure they were thinking of doing something funny original but I feel like they missed the mark a long time back. It almost pains to me to watch and I was scared enough that I considered not watching the whole thing. My questioning of their mental states is where I place this in the epic "WTF?!"  category.

Whew, I made it through. Day 14 is done with more to come. I hope by the end of this my brain hasn't leaked out of my ears.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and if that Santa ever comes to my house there may never be a Christmas again.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 13 - Bells

Back we are again and yet it's nearly the next day for me. My day was so filled up with other things I haven't had any time up till now to put out a post. Real life really buried me today.

Nevertheless, I will quickly jump into Day 13 of the Video Roulette Christmas Special. Is it my unlucky number? We'll soon find out.

I have to say for a while actually it was. Mostly considering I've been kept away from doing this at an earlier time and then trying to come up with a video I could actually rate. In the end, and with much debating, I finally found something that's not a how to for fruitcake or whatnot like that. All of those would automatically be labeled as who cares.

This time around, as you no doubt know by looking at the title of this post know I used the word "bells" for my searching. Everyone knows about the song silver bells and the like and while that is a very classic song I was more interested in finding the less known videos.

Like this one  for instance:

Again, you might say that this song is just as iconic and well known about as silver bells. Well, you are right and wrong. This song is a very well known song and yet it is usually a song of bells, trumpets, and maybe a piano I don't for sure. Yet, here is a man playing it with his cello instead. I know remakes have been done before but I was curious enough to give it a watch.

I was actually quite impressed. It keeps traditional while also being different. Yet, being that I was looking at this video closely enough to notice that at one point his bow strings were breaking and it stays like that. Seems odd that something wouldn't be done about that but it's just my opinion.

All in all, not a bad video I'd say. Well worth the listening to and worth a rating of 'time well spent'. It almost makes one want to get all traditional and whatnot. Considering the inability to come up with interesting words that may happen for me sooner rather than later.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and while this has nothing to do with the video or Christmas: I'm going to see The Hobbit! Geeks rejoice!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 12 - Christmas lights

And here we are one again. Day 12. At least this is sorta the halfway point of the 25 Days of Christmas. SO on the bright side only 12 more videos to go. Only 11 if I don't do one Christmas day considering the amount of running around to relatives I have to undertake with my family.

With that goal in mind, time to take a step towards the end. Thankfully, another divine intervention stepped in as I searched for a video for this special. I figured there were hundreds if not thousands of videos on YouTube showing off the Christmas lights on a house with and without music. Some of them were quite funny or ingenious.

This reminded me of a video a friend sent me to watch. Mostly because I think it worried her about the state of the world's mental health. Yes, this video came from none other than Cinema Chick. I figured, why not do a video she sent me some days ago? The word is Christmas themed and I haven't done it yet. Works for me.

So without further adieu, the video about Christmas lights:

Now I'm more than well aware of this song and video taking the world by storm. I had only heard it originally through the internet for the most part. I play a little too much Second Life and I couldn't get away from this song for the most part. It wasn't until recently when I was driving around town that the song finally came over the airways.

I was more than willing to admit a song can gain popularity from the internet because everyone uses it. But making it from the internet to the airwaves. That was a little odd for me considering it usually changes a bit in the transition. This song didn't change at all.

Personally...I think this is one of the most annoying songs of this year. And to my dismay, it's EVERYWHERE. I fully understand enjoying a song because it's funny or unique. But this song seems more like a parody of itself in the first place. Not something to be taken seriously. Yet, it's being taken seriously enough in the above video to be used to time their Christmas lights to. Hell, there's even a face winking at the viewer while singing the lyrics. 

My only plus about this situation is that I don't live next to this person. I think I'd go insane within a few repeats of that song not to mention the lights flashing constantly. I hope they turn those things off at night.

I'm sticking with my friend Cinema Chick on this one, 'I'm scared' too. I'd have preferred some Christmas music or if you HAVE to do something more modern or whatever go for some Tran-Siberian Orchestra. Just don't think this is the best idea ever.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I will NEVER do that dance.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 11 - Christmas

Ah welcome to Day 11 of the Christmas Special. Incidentally, I looked back at my previous posts and noticed where I had two Day 9's which I went and fixed one of them.

With all the numbers in their proper order, it's time for the next Christmas themed word but in a way this is a change in the way I've been doing it. I was scanning around YouTube watching various Ashens videos for my amusement before starting the search for my next video.

While I was watching some of his videos, I saw a Christmas video that he had liked. Well, I was curious enough and lazy enough to just watch the video and avoid my own duties for the next 3 minutes. But by doing so, I ended up deciding that the video I watched would be my video for today. I was shocked that it wasn't a word I had used yet, that word being Christmas, and I could use it without repeating a previous post.

So without further adieu...

Honestly, with that title I was more than intrigued. Even I know who Right Said Fred is and now there's a Christmas song featuring them. I was pretty happy to say the least. Plus the animations were silly enough to make me curious.

By the time I finished watching this video I was smiling. It's just so catchy and goofy I couldn't help but to smile and chuckle. The video is extremely well made with great animations and the lyrics aren't something you'd expect out of a Christmas video.

Appropriately enough, I dub this video with a special 'hallelujah chorus' for it's awesomeness.

 That's all for now. I can only hope my next video will be coming from another divine intervention like this one.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I love my goofy Christmas videos.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 10 - Elf

Ah, doing a post before the day is over. It's almost refreshing.

Now that I have my energy back, time for a video review. The days are slowly flying by and as they go on my list of possible words gets shorter. Luckily enough, I was going through my list and trying out words in their various forms and came across a video that gave me a little chuckle.

Using the word elf while searching through YouTube found me this video:

I've seen this movie quite a few times on TV. While not my favorite Christmas movie, it certainly has it's funny moments. This video has all of them. The funniest moments of the movie Elf.

I'm glad to have come across this video since my other idea of doing the words Christmas tree found the freakiest video yet. While it may come down to doing that video...I think I'll avoid that problem for now because this video is funny. I may never watch the whole movie all the way through again but it does give me the way to watch what I loved about the movie.

This movie is out there and crazy and the funny moments in this YouTube video feature just why that is. For this video I'm gonna say it's 'time well spent'. I like it, I may even watch it again when I need a chuckle.

Day 10 is done. Wonder what I will find for day 9.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I love SANTA!!!!! Hehe. Cya

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 9 - Noel

Well here's to seeing if tomorrow I will do this as soon as I get up so I won't have to worry about it the rest of the day. Nevertheless, I still came up with a Christmas word for my Christmas Special.

I previously typed in the word "Noel" and got the typical videos so I skipped over it for yesterday's video. But as it is with the internet constantly changing, I typed it in today and I found something worth viewing.

I showed this video a friend of mine who studied Japanese and Chinese. He was able to tell me that this was actually Korean. 

Apparently, this is to be some new Korean movie that plays more like a soap opera. According to my friend, who also lives in a high volume area of Spanish speaking people, that shows like this are typical and could be  described similarly to the over-dramatic Mexican soap operas showing on TV these days.

One look at this video...and I'm inclined to agree having seen a few Mexican soap operas. I know there is a more technical term for those shows but it's late...or rather early and I'm less inclined to look up the actual name.

At first, I was ready to be freaked out, then to be scared. But after it's all said and done...I feel blah. I've seen the overacting in other venues and I'm numb to the feeling. All in all 'who cares?' is an appropriate sentiment. No offense to those that love these type of shows being that they are apart of your culture or you are just a fan of this type of show. It's just not my type of thing. Give me a good serious action, comedy, or sci-fi any day of the week.

Well, that's all from this blogger. I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I'm off to dream up my own melodrama. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 8 - Jack Frost

Well, I have officially made it through an entire week and starting on the next one. I sincerely hope I can keep this going.

Anyway, moving right on in. I started in on my list of words and chose the words "jack frost" for my next video search.

Many videos and such would come out of this search and I was hoping for the best. Finally, it seems, I have reached a video from my childhood.

I remember watching this video as a child and heck even as an adult right around Christmas time. For those that haven't seen it yet...maybe you were just born. It's sure to make a come back this year, I hope. It's a kids movies of course but it's an enjoyable one.

I have to say this video certainly is "time well spent". You can reconnect with your childhood and see a classic all at the same time. Well, that's about all I have to say about this video. Trying to keep these short.

So there you have it. Day 8 is done. Wonder what I will find for Day 9.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette looking forward to Christmas classics.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 7 - Snowflake

Welcome back for post number 2 today. This being day 7 of the Video Roulette Christmas Special. In hindsight I'll never do this much work again.

Right, I'm going to make this a quick one considering I rather hate the video I was forced to watch.

With a friend, we worked up a list of possible Christmas themed words to search for in YouTube. When I got to the word "snowflake" this is what I found:

Again, another "lovely" song from super simple songs. I understand these songs are for children so they have to be brainlessly simple. Unfortunately for me, I stopped being a child a long time ago and my brain starting leaking out of my ears. Took a lot of work to get that back into my head.

Like it's previous brother...sister...whatever, it gets a...who cares rating. As in I really don't care whether I ever see one of these again.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I seriously fear for future generations.

Top 8 Videos That Almost Made the Cut - Round 2

Here we are. At my 21st blog post, it's time for another showing the top 8 videos that almost made the cut through these last blog posts.

With all the video searching I've done over the past few days I've come across some videos that were of the good, the bad, and the ugly so to speak. But in the middle of all of that were those videos that I just couldn't rate or watch for one reason or another. While I do have a rating for the scary, sometimes it goes so far beyond that I don't even want to attempt it.

So let's jump into the Top 8 Videos That Almost Made the Cut Round 2.

Number 8
Elves - Learn how to Attract Real Elves to You!

In watching this video...I feared for the little sanity I have left to me. I'm still curious as to whether this guy was serious or on some sort of drugs. While I am a huge LoTR fan I haven't assumed that elves were actually real and believed I would be able to find and communicate with one.

After much talking with a friend, he insisted that there are some people who honestly do believe that these creatures exist and that they can find them. They believe in them that much. Thinking back to all the shows on today about finding Bigfoot...this really shouldn't have come as this much a surprise.

Number 7
Justin Beiber - Mistletoe

Now, I won't....loudly fault those who like Justin Beiber. I'm sure there are countless people out there questioning my musical taste. But I'm sorry, I just don't get the "Beiber fever" which sounds like some horrible disease.

This song in general bothers me by the lyrics: "I should be chilling with my folks, I know / But I'mma be under the mistletoe".

So...you are avoiding fun, friends, family and tradition to stand under the mistletoe with a girl? I understand that mistletoe is an iconic Christmas image but it's not the only thing Christmas is about. This comes off more like a horny guy rather than a meaningful Christmas song.

Number 6
Snoop Dogg - The Tree ft. Kid Cudi

Is it just me or did Snoop Dogg once used to be this hard core sort of rapper? Did he always do these sorta rap light things that weren't that serious? Why are they rapping about a tree? Did they do it with the girl in the video under the tree? Then why are they cutting trees down? Then they lose their van with their "stash" in it. They can't forget a tree. I'm so confused. Let's move on shall we?

Number 5
Holly Dolly - Dolly Song

I'm only slightly less confused by this video. What animal is that? I know about the Crazy Frog videos and was a fan for a long time. But the oddity of this animal throws me off. Then the music itself is simple and repetitive. I think that's what bothers me the most about this video. The high pitched repetitive sounds used for "lyrics" and I use that term very loosely here. I think I liked this song better before I saw the music video.

Number 4
Bo Inspects the 2012 White House Holiday Decorations

This video has some cute elements. A fluffy dog wondering around it's home checking everything out. When my dog was younger it'd do the same thing. For those living under a rock, this is what I'm calling the First Dog being it's the dog of the President of the United States and his family. It really starts to get dull and down into a who cares rating when the dog parks itself in front of a larger than life replica of itself made out of what looks to be cotton balls. This threw me off enough that I just didn't know what rating to give to it.

Number 3
The Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh) Album Version

I am a fan of the Hot Chili Peppers. They have done some amazing songs over the years. The only reason this isn't higher on the list is simply because the other two videos I found just hit my radar a little better than this song. This song is a great song but I'm more of a mood listener when it comes to music which is why I try not to review music videos here since if a good song hits me on a bad day it'll get a bad review. I don't want that to be an influence on the way I review the videos.  It has a smooth melody and would be great to listen to as I'm working on a story or just chilling.

Number 2
Sleigh Bells - Comeback Kid

This video hit number 2 for me because of the video primarily. This song was interesting and different but the visuals they had were off the wall sometimes and so normal other times. It sounds so different from other things I'd hear on the radio on a daily basis and it gives me something new to listen to rather than the same old thing playing over and over again.

And the Number 1 video that almost made the cut...
Ellie Goulding - Lights

As I watched this video and the lack of dancing prowess, it was pressed upon me that not all singers had to be great dancers as well. In all honesty, my friend was right. The more a singer doesn't dance around means to me that they care more about their singing than looking like the hippest dancer. I'm glad to see singers like Ellie that aren't the teeny boppers or boy bands that have making their comeback into the world of music. The music, the sound of her voice, and the lyrics are different than other top 40 videos and I like it for that reason.

Why wasn't this a video of time well spent? I'll admit it, I'm not an avid Ellie Goulding fan. Most days I like things like Adam Lambert sure but I've gotten into more bands like Halestorm which is a new fave of mine I had to discover from the internet. It's an interesting song and off the wall video but still doesn't really make it all the way just yet.

So there you have it, the Top 8 Videos That Almost Made the Cut Round 2.

Sure most of these were found due to my rampant searching for Christmas words but that makes it more interesting to me. Each has something to offer and see or rather not see in some cases.

Time for this blogger to take a bit of a break before searching out my next Christmas themed word video for the Christmas Special later today.

Stick around and see what happens when YouTube picks what I watch.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and the videos are calling me.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 6 - Sugar Plum

Ah Day 6. Nearly a week but still such a long way to go before we reach Christmas Day.

In searching for the Christmas word for my Christmas Special, I had a harder time than usual coming up with a word to use. This time I even had a dear friend named Jaysen trying to help me come up with a word and it still took longer than was pretty to find a video that either wouldn't drive me insane or was worth the effort. While I do have a rating that asks who cares, if I start to drift off or wonder about the person's sanity it makes it a good deal harder to place.

Eventually, we were able to find a worthy, and rateable, video from the words "sugar plum". Pretty much everyone knows of the line "with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads" from childhood Christmas stories. To others, sugar plum is a treat eaten around Christmas time.

In this case, sugar plum means this:

By far, this is the most traditional video I've come across in my searching. The Nutcracker is a very famous ballet and the dance of the sugar plum fairy being a part of that.

Despite my lack of ballet skill, I always found watching ballet dancers dance very dream like and enjoyable. The way they move and the emotion brought across by their dancing is something unique to be seen. They are graceful in a way that few rarely can be.

The first time this video popped up on YouTube the sound had been removed. Apparently, the sound quality was good enough that some copyright laws had been enacted. So, I looked for a version of this video with the sound and thankfully was able to find it.

For me, this video rates a "time well spent". It was enjoyable to watch and appreciate for what it is. A timeless classic for the holidays.

That's it for this video. But wait! There's more. This is officially my 20th YouTube video review.That means tomorrow, along with Day 7 of the Christmas Special, will be the Top 8 Videos That Almost Made the Cut. Thanks to the Christmas searching I have more that were unrateable or simply unwatchable by some standard or another.

That's all from this reviewer. I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I'm making my list and checking it twice.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 5 - Snowman

Once again, I am back with the next video for Day 5 of Video Roulette's Christmas Special.

Today was a bit of a doozy when I was looking for a video. The first one only gave me a how to, the next came me cannon fodder for my next top 8 videos that almost made it, one more how to before finally coming into internet nirvana. It was glorious.

By now you have probably looked at the title above and wondered why the heck am I going on and on about how great a video about a snowman was. True most snowmen never turn out the way they do on television because they are a bunch of liars. But when you take someone with a prankster attitude and a snowman statue like suit...well you get this:

I actually remember watching one of these in the past and nearly peeing myself while laughing. The reactions of the people passing by are priceless. I especially love when grown men scream like little girls.

By the title of the video alone you can tell they have been on this for quite sometime. One would think everyone would get wise to it but still as long as they don't then we can watch and laugh.

Honestly, I could watch this over and over and never get bored. I bet the reactions in person are so much better. As you can probably guess by now, I have a bit of a devious streak in that my enjoyment of this is a little much. Which is why I will give this my 'Hallelujah Chorus' rating. It's always funnier when it's not happening to you.

And there we are, Day 5 has gone by. Still a long way to go but it'll be an interesting trip.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I'm off to watch more funny snowman pranks.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 4 - Cookie

Hello everyone. Yeah yeah, I know. I'm even later than I was last time. But if figure it's not the next day till I go to sleep. So...while I'm up I'll throw in for Day 3 of my Christmas Special.

Despite the time, it seems the time crunch actually helped me come up with a word pretty quickly. I remembered my childhood days in setting out cookies for Santa. Trying to stay up and see him eat those cookies but falling asleep anyway.

So, I figured why not just search for 'cookie' and pray I don't get ten bajillion cookie recipes.

Before I just plop down the video...can anyone tell me what Carly Rae Jepsen and Cookie Monster have in common? Anyone? Well, apparently they have this video in common now.

And yes, that is the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street spoofing Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. One of my fave kid show figures doing a spoof? Be still my beating heart.

Now this may be the beginning of Cookie Monster's new singing career and there are MANY "Call Me Maybe" spoofs out there, but I think this is one of the best. It's friggin Cookie Monster singing with his own backup dancers. How could anyone get more original? Or more funny.

Granted half the time I'm straining to hear what he says because of that voice of his but I know the actual song well enough to catch what he's saying. It gave me a good chuckle. And of course, no Cookie Monster song about eating cookies can be complete without him eating cookies in the only way he can: like it's crack.

Just for you Cookie Monster, I give this the rating of 'Time Well Spent'. I may not search out more Sesame Street spoofs but I was more than happy to find and watch this one. Maybe...I'll watch it a couple more times. *contemplates that*

Anyway, I think it's about time for this blogger to get some sleep.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette asking you one question...are you going to eat those cookies? Share them maybe?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 3 - Santa

Happy Holidays everyone. We've made it to day 3 on schedule. I'm quite shocked I've managed to keep up. Maybe this is a new leaf for me =D.

...Probably not knowing me. Just wishful thinking.

With that out of the way, time to reveal the next word. Shockingly enough, I again was able to come up with a word. Maybe I need to make my friends do some of this for me... *makes a mental note*

Anyway, I finally chose the word 'Santa' as that actually brought up something more than how to make a wreath. I'm not even going there.

Unfortunately for me, this song will now be stuck in my head like the worst of the worst of the Britney Spears songs. Time to share in my delusion:

The first thing I actually thought about this video: really? You ripped off another song to make one for Santa? Decided not to use your brains today did you?

A mind is a terrible thing to waste and they decided to do it anyway.

Really, one of the most underwhelming videos I've seen in a long while. I understand there isn't much more originality in the world anymore but you can at least pretend you tried.

Very underwhelming. So this video gets my rating of...who cares? Rather appropriate I might say.

Well, there you have it. A video so underwhelming I could barely come up with anything to say about it. Short, sweet, and to the point.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I beg of you, be as original as possible this year for Christmas.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 2 - Stocking


Once again, it's time for the Video Roulette Christmas Special. It's day 2 for those who didn't look at day 1 for some reason.

Despite the fact it's actually closer to day 3 at this point I'll stick to my original intent. It took me long enough to find a video and I'd rather it not go to waste.

It's time for another Christmas themed word.

After much searching for some video that I could even rate on my scale, I came across a very interesting discovery with the oddly typical word of 'stocking'. Doesn't seem like their should be any trouble but seems my record for discovering the bizarre has come back to haunt me in this instance.

Well, time to stop avoiding it.

Yeah, honestly NOT what I expected when I typed in the word stocking. Oh sure I'm aware of the existence of porn and fetishes and such like that but I never thought in my wildest dreams that I'd see anything like this come out of YouTube.

Have I just been extremely lucky in this instance to not find this sort of thing? It's not that the girls aren't gorgeous but it seems less like an modeling gig for stockings but something a guy might be watching alone in his room with the lights off. But that's just me.

When this video popped up first I wasn't sure I was even going to watch it. It worried me that much. But I made the attempt and...yeah...wow. So all that being said this video is going to be under the "I'm Scared" category. This is not because of the content of the video itself but the thoughts that ranged through my mind about those that may be viewing this video. Not a pleasant thought for my little brain.

I may be out of my mind once in a while but this was outside my normal range and never wish to speak of it again.

Whew, the review is over. Now I can move on with life and the hope that the next video won't send me to the nearest nut barn or whatever you prefer to call it.

I am Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I will never look at my hose the same ever again.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 1 - Present

Welcome one and all back to Video Roulette.

As everyone knows by now, it is the first day of December. The time when it's finally acceptable to decorate the house and set up a Christmas tree. Though, I'm fully aware most don't believe in this notion...like Wal-mart for instance.

As you might notice, I decided to make the blog more Christmas-y.

Anyway, I will avoid the rating for now to bring you day 1 of my Christmas Special. This time around I will attempt to do a new video everyday up to Christmas Eve. I may or may not do one on Christmas Day seeing as I will have a full day with possibly both sides of my rather large family and a lot of driving. In essence, I will be too tired to care.

For all of you that might be new to my site, welcome and here is how this typically works. Either I or a friend or possibly one of those that views my site will come up with a Christmas themed word. While, the word is Christmas themed that doesn't typically mean I will get a Christmas video. That's the fun of it.

I will type the word into the YouTube search engine and watch the first video on the list all the way through. After I watch the video, I will rate it accordingly.

Well, for day 1 of the Video Roulette Christmas Special I was trying to come up with a word that would at least give me something to work with. As they say, third time was a charm as I typed "present" into the YouTube search engine.

This video was apparently the aftermath of the stunt put on by the Jimmy Kimmel show. The idea being that these children's/childrens' parents would wrap up a terrible toy and give it to them on Christmas Eve and film it. Then, they would post it on YouTube.

Well, the idea went crazy and even after the show had ended their contest more and more of these videos kept appearing on YouTube. So the show decided for our enjoyment to create a part 2 of their favorite videos.

And for our enjoyment it was. I know I pitched a fit or two in my childhood days but watching it now is freaking hilarious. These kids lose their little minds as they get everything from a jar of pickles, a rock, a potato, boys getting barbies, and broccoli.

One extra special little girl even seemed to flip the bird to the camera after getting a team jersey of the Packers I presume when she was obviously a fan of the Bears. Don't shoot me I just don't watch a lot of football.

This video, rather appropriately, gets my Hallelujah Chorus rating. I'm definitely looking for the Part 1 of this little scheme as I look forward to see more little kids think that that's their real present for Christmas.

Our time draws to a close. Be looking out tomorrow for Video Roulette Christmas Special Day 2. Who knows what video will emerge from the bowels of YouTube.

I hope everyone is looking forward to a wonderful holiday coming up.

This is Creative Karma here at Video Roulette as I scheme for my own future prank.