Monday, October 8, 2012


Welcome back everyone to the first Halloween post here at Video Roulette.

While Halloween is a childlike holiday were little kids end up in a sugar frenzy after knocking on strangers doors to get candy, there is still something for those of us beyond the age of dressing up for trick or treating.

For some they go in droves to "haunted" houses, spooky mazes or demonic hayrides. I have done my fair share in my time and have since stopped going for lack of funds. But that does not mean that those of us without the means can't still royally scare the shit out of ourselves with spooky movies.

For this first Halloween post, you'd be surprised how long it actually took to find a video that was worth even rating. While words like Ouija board and wolfman would seem like prime candidates, the videos themselves were either so lame that even my rating of Who Cares was leagues above it or was some trailer for a movie long since released.

While trailers have their place and I have done one trailer so far with the word Chrysalis it was not my intent to find a trailer. With wolfman that was pretty much the extent of the videos for the first page.

Yet, I finally found a word that met the perfect criteria for my 26 Days to Halloween Countdown. I may not do a word everyday but I will use a word in the spooky Halloween tradition.

To start this Countdown to Halloween, after much talking with my dear friend Cinema Chick, we decided to try out the word "Demon".

This could have lead to yet another meaningless trailer for a movie but we were both happy to see a video that we have viewed on past Halloween's to freak us out and rethink going to bed early.

Here is what came up:

Now, most people aren't believers in the paranormal or side with their church in saying that things like ghosts can't possibly exist. Parts of this video itself are rather corny and lack substance.

Yet, I still find that I get chills down my spine and the fear that wants me to stop watching the video completely to spare myself.

I'm a personal believer in the paranormal in the likes of ghosts, demons, and spirits. Then again, I've had my share of encounters with things I can't explain.

This video makes me relive those moments and adds some new things to be afraid of.

That's why this video will actually land in between Time Well Spent and Hallelujah Chorus. While I might consider looking up more videos of this nature I also would look for more quality over length. I do admit that most home videos are not by professional film crews but I like to be able to really see what's scary instead of trying to make out a ghostly apparition because the camera is shaking like it's been caught in an earthquake.

Nevertheless, the parts of this video that were steady and with a good camera have enough fear factor to make you use a flashlight the next time you think about walking through your living room in the dark.

Tune in next time for the next Halloween themed word for my 26 Days to Halloween Countdown.

This is your Creative Karma here at Video Roulette with one question for you. Are you afraid of the dark? 

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