Wednesday, October 31, 2012


It's All Hallow's Eve everyone. Or Halloween for those not up on their history.

While most of you may be seeing this the next morning due to late nights of trick-or-treating, horror movie marathons, or a walk through a haunted house/sanitarium/etc, this is your Halloween post.

True, I let it slip the past couple of days but a dear friend of mine needed some emotional support. Friends take precedence.

For today, I decided to try a simple word "Halloween". While I was wary of getting a scene or trailer from one of the many slasher flicks with that word somewhere in the name, I figured on Halloween it would be a better place to start than most.

Unfortunately, this is what I found:

No offense to anyone who actually likes this group, this being my personal opinion of whatever video I happen to watch. However, I went into it thinking I was getting a homemade version of a slasher flick and I get some homemade rapper video about Halloween.

Now, is the group or guy called Krispy Kreme? That seems to make the most sense here though I wouldn't think a name like that would give one much "street cred" if that's what this guy is looking for. However, if he's looking to be goofy/silly or make some joke about rap lyrics in general then I would say he is 100% successful.

This in mind, I was scared to watch the rest of the video without the aid of a friend to see it with me. My inner video snob reared it's ugly head. Nevertheless, I watched it the whole way through.

After seeing it all, I will stick with my original thought and, consequently, my rating: WTF?!

I was scared, dazed, confused, and couldn't really come up with anything intelligent to say for a couple minutes after seeing this video. Save for some tense chuckling.

Well, that's the end of this video review and that means I've just passed the 10th video mark. This being my 11th video.

Maybe you're wondering with all the searching I do, what videos just didn't make the cut?

Well, for my next entry, I will be doing either the top 5 or top 10 shows that almost made the cut. I'm not sure which one it'll be or if it'll end up being something in the middle.

So stay turned for the Top 5 or 10 Videos that Almost Made the Cut coming up soon.

Till then, this is Creative Karma at Video Roulette reminding you to check your candy before you eat it. Don't one to be the one person who is proven wrong about razor blades in the candy.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Once again, we return for the newest round of Video Roulette.

This one has been delayed slightly since I was out of town visiting relatives and needed some recovery time. But now I'm back in action and ready to take on the next weird or amazing video.

Just a reminder for everyone on the rating system I use for my videos:

I'm Scared
Who Cares
Time Well Spent
Hallelujah Chorus

Since I was just recovered from a long weekend I looked for help for my next word from my dear friends.This time the word was offered by my friend Tavian. He suggested I look up the word "mask". So, despite the possibility I'd get a trailer for the Jim Carrey movie I opted to give it a try.

This is what I found:

After watching this video...I would have rather watched part of the Jim Carrey movie. My first thought was quite literally: WTF?! Which is the rating I'm giving this video being it was my primary reaction.

I only grew more confused as I went on and grew more worried. The 80s style theme and music was not something I was entirely used to. While I was born in the 80s I grew up in the 90s. Some of that type of programming survived but it was avoidable for the most part.

I decided to even look this up because I used to watch shows like Transformers and G.I. Joe before people like Micheal Bay. So I just to see if those two ripped off MASK or if it was the other way around or they all ripped on each other.

And what do you know, Transformers came out in 84 and MASK and G.I. Joe in 85. Surprise Surprise. Not sure if G.I. Joe came out earlier I'm really not that concerned about all this.

Needless to say, this was just another one of those TV shows created to sell toys.

Time to go use a gallon of my brain bleach and prepare myself for the worst while hoping for the best.

The 26 Days Till Halloween Countdown will press on. Only 14 more days till you either hide in your house or celebrate the day that everyone helps bolster the dental profession by giving kids too much candy.

This is Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and hoping that better TV shows will be in my future.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jack o' Lantern

Hello and welcome back to the Halloween edition of Video Roulette. The 26 Days Till Halloween Countdown is now in full swing having managed to now do two videos in a row *gasp*.

If you're just tuning in I'm Creative Karma and I'm here to give my ruling on yet another random video from the internet. Will it send me running from the room in horror or will I dance in my chair with glee? Time to dive right in and find out.

As those of you know who have been keeping up with my posts, I've been having a bit of trouble coming up with the next word of the day. Most of them lead to trailers for movies or music videos. While those are all well and good and despite the fact I have shown a trailer here was all because it was something unexpected that came out of the word I typed into YouTube.

That's the end goal here. Not the expected but the unexpected. Like when I typed in Wolfman I knew I was going to get a trailer for a movie. I watch far too much TV to miss a movie trailer.

So in my search for my next video, I went back to former words I tried to see if anything new had come up. Sadly, this was not the case.

In the end, I chose more out of necessity than looking for some awesome video. That being said the word I chose was Jack o' Lantern. 

Now, one might like to nickpick about that word and think it is two or three words I would like to point out that if someone is talking about a pumpkin if one simply talks about setting out a Jack or a Lantern I doubt the first thing on your mind would be a pumpkin that was carved and back lit by a candle.

So Jack o' Lantern it was that I put into the YouTube search engine. And, as expected, I found videos about carving pumpkins. But this was the first video on the list:

Now, while I'm a fan of Halloween. All the dressing up and well carved pumpkins that people put a lot of time into carving...sometimes with screaming kids in the background. While watching this video all I could think was: meh. I mean, it wasn't a total waste of my time but I wasn't riveted to the screen and looking for more.

I admit, some of the pumpkins featured in this video are pretty cool looking. The geek in me ogled the Link carved pumpkin and the death star.

However, the rest of them just seemed like typical pumpkin carving to me. Nothing to get all excited about.

So, this video, while having it's interesting and boring parts, I decided will land in the grey area between Who Cares and Time Well Spent. For the lack of a better term, for now, we'll call this: It's All Right. I'm not completely bored but on the other hand I'm not completely thrilled either.

But, as you can very well see, I'm in dire need of fresh words for this Halloween special. No matter the word you pick I'll do the first video that comes up. The only stipulation is that, for the time being, the word has to be Halloween or spooky themed.

If you are going to leave a comment and want your name mentioned or some nickname then by all means leave a name there for me to mention you by. But if you are one of the millions using Twitter and sent word by that means, then I'll simply be using you Twitter name and throwing in a hashtag when I post this blog on Twitter.

You can always look me up on Twitter as Creative_Karma.

There you have it. Time for me to go off and look up another word my 26 Days to Halloween Countdown.

Get those costumes ready and get those videos out on the web.

This is Creative Karma here at Video Roulette were creativity is rewarded....or at least given an honorable mention.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Once again, it's that lovely time to either make myself and everyone who reads this blog either want to rip their eyes out of their sockets, look at the screen wondering why that even exists or singing songs of praise to the people who came up with the video.

Yes, it's Video Roulette time again. Back for the 26 Days to Halloween Countdown. Though I was intending to do this blog post on the 10th of October, I wasted too much time looking at Ashen's videos and it's now nearly two a.m. here. In any case I finally came up with a video for day the 11th of October.

For those who need the countdown for some reason that means there are only 20 days left till Halloween. Enough time to buy all the candy for the various children with their parents or enough warning to lock the house down to keep all the children away from your abode.

Oddly enough, as I was looking for my next Halloween type word, I tried pulling up common words associated with Halloween. Most of the first videos associated with those words were so boring they didn't even rate a Who Cares. If I had one for Put Me To Sleep then it'd fit in right there.

However, without a way to rate those videos it took me forever to come up with one worth the effort. Don't get me wrong, I came across numerous music videos associated with those words. Everything from metal to folk to J-Pop. Surprisingly, the J-Pop was actually the best one out of the bunch. But I still couldn't figure out how to rate the thing so maybe later I'll do a blog of videos that almost made the cut and the word associated with them.

But back on track now. After much debating, the word I ended up with was Supernatural. Yes, I could have ended up with yet another video of haunting and the like, but for those of you that watch as much TV as I do might come up with another visual for that word. Let's see if yours is the same as mine.

If you guessed the show Supernatural then you are just a big a couch potato as I am. Although technically I watch from my computer chair.

I thought I'd end up with a video from the show as a possibility when I typed that word into the search engine. However, what I didn't expect was that I was going to get probably the weirdest yet funniest thing I've ever seen out of that show.

If you're looking at the title of the video, this is no joke. Jensen Ackles who plays the character Dean is really lip-syncing the song The Eye of the Tiger.

For those that are saying that this video isn't Halloween themed, I say this, I never promised Halloween videos only Halloween words. I can't control what YouTube spits out. In any case the show itself is about two boys who hunt critters like vampires, demons, ghosts, etc etc. That's Halloween enough for me.

Now, when I was trying to come up with a rating for this video I had a bit of a task ahead of me. At first watch I was bouncing between saying WTF?! and laughing endlessly. So, I watched it again. The shock value had lessened and I could only sit there laughing so hard I was crying and unable to see the computer screen.

That's why I decided to give this one a Hallelujah Chorus rating. While some people may not think it's funny, for me it hits all the right buttons. I like a man that likes to goof off and do random crap like that just for a laugh.

So there you are, a video viewer brought to laughing fits over a video. I have to say that's a first for this blog.

Well that's all for this nutcase. Check out the show Supernatural if you get the chance. And this is Creative Karma here at Video Roulette telling you that laughter is the best medicine unless you have something unfortunate like diarrhea.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Welcome back everyone to the first Halloween post here at Video Roulette.

While Halloween is a childlike holiday were little kids end up in a sugar frenzy after knocking on strangers doors to get candy, there is still something for those of us beyond the age of dressing up for trick or treating.

For some they go in droves to "haunted" houses, spooky mazes or demonic hayrides. I have done my fair share in my time and have since stopped going for lack of funds. But that does not mean that those of us without the means can't still royally scare the shit out of ourselves with spooky movies.

For this first Halloween post, you'd be surprised how long it actually took to find a video that was worth even rating. While words like Ouija board and wolfman would seem like prime candidates, the videos themselves were either so lame that even my rating of Who Cares was leagues above it or was some trailer for a movie long since released.

While trailers have their place and I have done one trailer so far with the word Chrysalis it was not my intent to find a trailer. With wolfman that was pretty much the extent of the videos for the first page.

Yet, I finally found a word that met the perfect criteria for my 26 Days to Halloween Countdown. I may not do a word everyday but I will use a word in the spooky Halloween tradition.

To start this Countdown to Halloween, after much talking with my dear friend Cinema Chick, we decided to try out the word "Demon".

This could have lead to yet another meaningless trailer for a movie but we were both happy to see a video that we have viewed on past Halloween's to freak us out and rethink going to bed early.

Here is what came up:

Now, most people aren't believers in the paranormal or side with their church in saying that things like ghosts can't possibly exist. Parts of this video itself are rather corny and lack substance.

Yet, I still find that I get chills down my spine and the fear that wants me to stop watching the video completely to spare myself.

I'm a personal believer in the paranormal in the likes of ghosts, demons, and spirits. Then again, I've had my share of encounters with things I can't explain.

This video makes me relive those moments and adds some new things to be afraid of.

That's why this video will actually land in between Time Well Spent and Hallelujah Chorus. While I might consider looking up more videos of this nature I also would look for more quality over length. I do admit that most home videos are not by professional film crews but I like to be able to really see what's scary instead of trying to make out a ghostly apparition because the camera is shaking like it's been caught in an earthquake.

Nevertheless, the parts of this video that were steady and with a good camera have enough fear factor to make you use a flashlight the next time you think about walking through your living room in the dark.

Tune in next time for the next Halloween themed word for my 26 Days to Halloween Countdown.

This is your Creative Karma here at Video Roulette with one question for you. Are you afraid of the dark? 

Saturday, October 6, 2012


'Alo everyone. Welcome back to Video Roulette where the internet could be the perfect lover or a cruel mistress.

Here we are, the last post before I start out on the look for Halloween or spooky themed words just to get into the Halloween spirit.

Now, when most people would hear that a pulled a word from a vampire book series might think that I've all ready pulled a Halloween word out. Well it depends on what vampire book series you are reading. Certainly words will be different between Dracula and Twilight. Though most don't consider the later a vampire story.

In any case, this time I chose a word from one of the Anita Blake vampire hunter books called The Harlequin. If you haven't read or heard of these series, it's by the author Laurell K. Hamilton. I highly recommend this book series for any adult readers out there who like vampire novels. It is a long series so be prepared.

It took me a few tries to not end up with a word like it or the, that wouldn't really work for a blog, before I ended up with a word from the actual title, Harlequin.

Despite the fact this could have brought out the Halloween theme I decided to give it a try anyway. So with a few clicks on my keys in the YouTube search engine, this is the video I found.

When I saw the title of the video I was both interested and concerned. While I'm a fan of the Batman series, the characters in it, and the story behind Harley Quin and the Joker. I also was wondering how well the fan video was made. Did they have the resources to make it a hit or was this some low budget shoot? While I couldn't come up with a high budget looking film I know it's possible.

Suffice it to say that I had high hopes for someone who knew what they were doing and could pull it off with the right amount of acting, overacting, costume design, location, and character chemistry considering the subject matter.

After watching this video, I only had one thought on my mind: Holy shit! And I meant it in the most sincere way possible.

This video knew their subject matter and what they wanted to invoke. There were no shaky camera effects just great views on all sides. The actors held up their roles and went for it not looking like they were trying too hard. They WERE The Joker and Harley Quin.

This is why this video gets my first ever Hallelujah Chorus rating. Not only was I riveted to my screen enough that I muted the TV I had going in the back ground to watch and enjoy it fully but I want to know more. I want to search and find out more about this group and the other things they've done. Not only that, but I will certainly be sharing this video with my friends.

With that knowledge in mind, I'm off to watch more videos and see what I can come up with next out of this group. Check them out for yourself, you'll be glad you did. I know I am.

This is Creative Karma here at Video Roulette. Keep on checking back and see what psycho I can discover next time.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Hellllloooo to the people of the internet.

Once again it is time for another round of Video Roulette with Creative Karma.

Will karma be a bitch or will she shine down on me today? Only YouTube has that answer.

For those that actually looked at the time this post was posted will know that it only occurred to me in the wee hours of the morning that a new video blog post was calling. Part of my insane little brain is hoping for a video that wouldn't make my eyes bleed profusely.

In any case, this next word is brought to me by a friend I will call Tavian whom I was speaking to in the wee hours of the morning.Thus the reason for having a word at all.

The word he randomly chose was "Chrysalis". Now while I thought about a butterfly's transformation, there was apparently another meaning to this word that I wasn't aware of.

With some quick searching this is what the word "Chrysalis" showed me in YouTube:

At the very least, I was pleasantly surprised. I do watch a lot of movies and this one seemed to slip by my radar. This was apparently a film from 2007. Oh it seems so long ago now.

In any case, I saw this video on YouTube and was instantly curious rather than frightened. After giving this video a watch I can say one thing with complete sincerity.

This movies looks pretty cool. While I'm not really a fan of sci-fi type movies save for a few out there like the Alien series, this one looked interesting enough that I would almost consider going out to find this video myself.

Because of this, this YouTube video gets my rating of "Time Well Spent". It hasn't met the criteria of something I will drop everything to search for and learn more about but I'm very pleased with this video. As a trailer it gives me enough to keep me interested but holds back enough to keep me guessing.

All in all a good find.

That's all from this nut ball.

The next time you think of a word that you'd like to be featured on this site look me up on Twitter at @Creative_Karma.I don't check that as often as most but I will get on it as soon as possible. Also, if you'd like me to go by your Twitter name or you have a nickname you'd like me to put with the post please add it to your Twitter to me.

Well, it's nearly 3 a.m. and while I'm not lonely I am getting rather tired.

This is Creative Karma here at Video Roulette warning you to beware anything that looks too good to be true, like immortality, because it usually is.