Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sock Puppet

Alo everyone on the internet.

Creative Karma here for her first official blog post here on Video Roulette.

If you are new to the site here's how things work. Everyday or whenever a friend offers up a word, whether it's interesting or normal, I will go to the YouTube video hosting site and search for that word. The first video on the list that pops up will be the video I watch.

When I post my thoughts I will also be embedding the video itself for you to watch.

I will comment on the videos and rate them on my own scale. From the worst to the best it will be as follows:

WTF?!  -  I'm Scared   -   Who Cares?   -  Time Well Spent   -   Hallelujah Chorus

Who knows what kind of videos will come up. You could type in carrot and see a commercial for carrot juice or a home made video of the adventures of carrot man. Will it be a dud or internet video gold?

For this first video since my long time friend and reviewing compatriot, The Cinema Chick, helped the idea along I gave her the first pick of the word of the day. She happily chose the word "Sock Puppet".

So boldly I navigated my way through YouTube and this was the first video I found:

Now, I remember these commercials playing on TV with some frequency till they died out for whatever reason. I remembered them being somewhat odd but creative considering it was an AD for an online pet supply store called

So not thinking much about it seeing it was only a little over 5 minutes long I gave it a watch.

After the video finally ended, I was left feeling like someone had assaulted my ears. Maybe it was the fact it was a medley of videos rather than one commercial that seriously messed with my head or if it was just that creepy and wrong.

Because of this creep out factor I rate this video as a "I'm Scared". Not quite enough to make me run screaming but just enough to make me rethink why I ever liked these commercials in the first place.

Do you have a word that you'd like me to type into the YouTube search engine? If so leave me a comment down at the bottom and I will get right on it.

Until then, this is Creative Karma here at Video Roulette reminding you to order an industrial size case of brain bleach.

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