Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Hello there everyone. Time for another round of Video Roulette.

Put a word in the search and see where it lands me.

This week I decided to reach back into my college years and get down the rather heavy Norton Anthology of English Literature. I opened it up and put my finger on the random word of the day.

I came up with the word "Munching". This brought up a world of possibilities. None of them were to pleasant to think all the way through. Nevertheless, it was time to quit stalling and input "Munching" into their search engine and see what comes out.

Well this is what I found:

I was only able to get through the first 20 seconds before I shut the song off. It hurt my mind, my ears and my brain. The second happened mostly because I had the volume up louder than usual.

However, this song...I'm not even sure who this song was made for. Was it made for kids? Was it made as a money maker from some game? If anyone out there knows please fill me in on that much at least.

Just because the way this song made me cringe it officially gets my first WTF?! rating. I didn't want to listen to it all. I didn't want to look up the creator of the song. I wanted to forget I had ever seen that this video existed and use a whole bottle of brain bleach.

If you actually watched the video then i'll share my brain bleach with you.

Well, that's all from this little critic.

If you have a word that's been buzzing about your brain look me up on Twitter at @Creative_Karma.

This is Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I officially have a serious case of the munchies.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Poop Deck

Alllooooo internet surfers. Welcome back to Video Roulette. The place where random YouTube videos come to face my dreaded rating.

Is it internet gold or just cause for the ever present brain bleach?

To get the ball rolling here on my second post, I asked a fellow gamer for a word to use on my blog. Well, unfortunately, thanks to the randomness of our conversations I was given the lovely word "Poop Deck".

While all those people out there that do know the origin and meaning of that word, we spent our time looking it up out of psychotic curiosity. Thanks to that, that was the only word that came to mind for him. Thanks SO much "Bro", I'll remember to give you some equally horrible torture in return.

Well, I went off on my mission nonetheless and typed "Poop Deck" into the YouTube search engine and this is what I ended up with:

For those looking at the picture there on the screen, maybe you're thinking what I thought when I saw that: WTF?! Why is there a girl in a bikini there when the video is called "Why is the poop deck called the poop deck?" This freaked me out to no end.

Was she going to poo? Was some bird going to poo on her?

While the later would actually be amusing it's not about the first image I see but the video itself.

After watching this video, while I would like to say it made it into my WTF?! rating, sadly it only makes it into my "I'm Scared" rating. Why you may ask? I will tell you.

Despite this video showing pictures of a woman in a bikini on a boat and the later more teacher like form of address, it gains the "I'm Scared rating because to be completely honest I don't want to go searching for the Part 2 of this video where she answers the multiple choice question she poses at the end of this video.

That is the essence of the "I'm Scared" category. Not scary enough to make my run for my life but scary enough that I want to back away slowly and forget I ever knew of it's existence.

Well, looks like I'll have to save the brain bleach for a later video and opt instead for a session with a local psychologist to help me forget all of this...or maybe a good concussion will take away the memory of this video.

In any case, that's all of this round of Video Roulette.

If you have a word that you would like to be used in the next Video Roulette either leave me a comment down at the bottom or you can send me a Twitter at @Creative_Karma. I will be Tweeting these as I create them so be on the look out.

Until next time, this is Creative Karma here at Video Roulette reminding you to stay away from the poop deck.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sock Puppet

Alo everyone on the internet.

Creative Karma here for her first official blog post here on Video Roulette.

If you are new to the site here's how things work. Everyday or whenever a friend offers up a word, whether it's interesting or normal, I will go to the YouTube video hosting site and search for that word. The first video on the list that pops up will be the video I watch.

When I post my thoughts I will also be embedding the video itself for you to watch.

I will comment on the videos and rate them on my own scale. From the worst to the best it will be as follows:

WTF?!  -  I'm Scared   -   Who Cares?   -  Time Well Spent   -   Hallelujah Chorus

Who knows what kind of videos will come up. You could type in carrot and see a commercial for carrot juice or a home made video of the adventures of carrot man. Will it be a dud or internet video gold?

For this first video since my long time friend and reviewing compatriot, The Cinema Chick, helped the idea along I gave her the first pick of the word of the day. She happily chose the word "Sock Puppet".

So boldly I navigated my way through YouTube and this was the first video I found:

Now, I remember these commercials playing on TV with some frequency till they died out for whatever reason. I remembered them being somewhat odd but creative considering it was an AD for an online pet supply store called Pets.com.

So not thinking much about it seeing it was only a little over 5 minutes long I gave it a watch.

After the video finally ended, I was left feeling like someone had assaulted my ears. Maybe it was the fact it was a medley of videos rather than one commercial that seriously messed with my head or if it was just that creepy and wrong.

Because of this creep out factor I rate this video as a "I'm Scared". Not quite enough to make me run screaming but just enough to make me rethink why I ever liked these commercials in the first place.

Do you have a word that you'd like me to type into the YouTube search engine? If so leave me a comment down at the bottom and I will get right on it.

Until then, this is Creative Karma here at Video Roulette reminding you to order an industrial size case of brain bleach.
Hello everyone.

This is still Creative Karma. No sense changing the name since I'm going to be going about more karmic missions.

Many of you might have seen my book review blog, my writing blog, or my drawing blog. If you haven't yet, well I'll be adding links to the side of this blog for ease of access as well as to my sister blog The Cinema Chic who obviously reviews movies.

This blog, once it's up and running, will feature my views, critiques and snotty remarks about random videos I find on YouTube. To keep this as random as possible I will be picking a random word and typing it into the YouTube search engine and the first video that pops up on the list I will watch. I might end up with the net video of the year or one that makes my eyes bleed profusely. Either way it's sure to be interesting.

Hopefully, by tomorrow or Saturday at the very least, I will have up my first YouTube video post.

Before I go, I do want to send a personal shout out to my long lost sister and fellow reviewer Cinema Chick. You are my inspiration for these blogs and I certainly wouldn't have ever thought of doing one if it weren't for your lead.

Until we meet again fellow geeks, video surfers, and loungers alike this is Creative Karma here at Video Roulette reminding you to shift once in a while. Bed sores hurt.