Monday, January 14, 2013

Hallelujah Chorus Awards

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to the first ever Video Roulette Hallelujah Chorus Awards.

We've battled along seeing the worst of the worst that YouTube has to offer. Now, it's time for the best of the best. But how to go about it?

How can just one video be the best of YouTube? Could I really narrow it down to the top 5? After much debate and discussion, the best way to show off the best of YouTube is by category.

For this edition of the Hallelujah Chorus Awards, there will be five categories which were all chosen by the same friends who chose the their video for the Brain Bleach Awards.

The categories are as follows:

Best Item Review Video - Talkc

Best Movie Video - TheCinemaChick

Best AMV - Larry

Best Video Game Video - Myself

Best Cat Video - Jaysen

So let's dive into the first category.

Best Item Review Video

Originally, Talkc was going to be the lead on choosing the Best Video Game Video as he has played multiple games and viewed countless videos on that topic. Yet, at the last moment he changed his mind and thought of another video that he'd rather vote as the best of. Thus, the Best Item Review Video category was born.

In this category, any video that reviews a particular item such as a game, a food item, an electronic device, etc, would all be taken into account.

And his choice for the Best Item Review Video Award is....

Poundland Food Special - Pizza Snack

For those of you who have not yet seen the genius that is Ashens...then you seriously need to get with it and hurry. Ashens reviews everything from food, to games, to random objects he picks up at a store called Poundland where everything is a pound. And no, it doesn't weigh a pound but cost a pound. In essence, the British version of a Dollar Tree.

This video highlights the very reason why Ashens is good at what he does. His reviews are thorough, informational, and hilarious. Every time he takes a bite of some horrendous looking food you feel for him but you laugh at his reactions. And that's why this is wins the Best Item Review Video Award.

For those that wish to see more of Ashens:

Now for our second category, Best Movie Video.

The Cinema Chick has spent countless hours heading off to the cinema to watch movies and give her heartfelt review of the movie in question. 

So when it comes down to the Best Movie Video The Cinema Chick knows what she is talking about. From mash ups to trailers to fan made videos, all are up for viewing. But what is the best of the best?

He choice for the Best Movie Video Award goes to....

● Laufeyson - Thor trailer from Loki's perspective

Now, I personally haven't seen Thor but I have seen The Avengers. Yet, after watching this video I think I might have to catch up with the crowd.

There is always so much more to the people considering evil bad guys from our favorite movies and this shows the side of it that no one really takes into account. The editing, the music, and the story provided by the creator of the video offers up a new take on the character of Loki. Makes me just want to hug him and tell him everything will be okay.

That's why this video earns the Best Movie Video Award.

For those interested in viewing more movie reviews by The Cinema Chick: The Cinema Chick Movie Reviews

Now for our next category: Best AMV (Anime Music Video).

My friend Larry I will now joking call the guru of anime videos. He loves multiple animes and if I ever want to talk about them he's the one for the job.

When I asked him to give me his pick for the best anime music video he took it seriously. Every type of anime video set to music either by the actual creators themselves or a fan made video could have been chosen for this award.

His choice for the Best AMV Award goes to...

Kirito/Kazuto x Asuna - When You're Gone

I have never personally watches this anime and that's not saying much since my anime viewing is rather slim considering the vast numbers available for viewing.

After seeing this video though, I nearly needed a box of tissues. The story of this pair comes across amazingly well in this fan made video. The use of sepia like tone to impress upon the viewer the scenes that are from the past and those in the present being the ones in full color adds to the overall imagery.

The music plays the crucial role of getting across to the viewer the depth of the relationship and how it's affecting the one who has to go through life, even for a short time, on their own. Beautiful and heartwarming, that's what this video is.

That's why it's worthy of the Best AMV Award.

With such tearful things behind us, let's move on to the next category: Best Video Game Video.

I have played video games ever since I was a child. I remember going from the arcade into the home. Although I can't remember if we owned and Atari, I know for certain we had a Super Nintendo, Sega, Nintendo 64, Playstation 2, XBox that was later traded for an XBox 360, and finally a Wii. While today I still only have the N64, Playstation 2, and a Wii, I still try to play as many games as I can on console and PC.

So when the category for Best Video Game Video opened up I knew just what video I thought was the best of the best.

The award for Best Video Game Video goes to...

Dynasty Warriors 5: Zhang He - Dance 'til Dawn

While the Dynasty Warriors franchise may only be a simple hack 'n slash gaming style with very little in the way of strategy and only for two players at one time, this video immediately caught my attention and has never let go.

The first time I watched it while playing the game itself I laughed till I cried. From then on, I've shared it with all of my close friends and now I can share it with you. This clip comes straight from the game. No music or editing has been done save for not showing the person booting up the game and closing it down after the clip is over. In all the seriousness of the fighting, a little rainbow managed to sneak it's way in.

That's why this video deserves the Best Video Game Video Award.

And last but certainly not least comes a category that most everyone that surfs the internet knows all too well: Best Cat Video.

My friend Jaysen, like many people on the web at this very moment, loves watching adorable videos about cats, kittens, and any combination thereof. 

He owns two cats himself and while they do drive him bonkers, every now and then he finds they do something funny or adorable and he can't help but to love them.

His choice for the Best Cat Video Award goes to....

Kitten crying because she is so tired

This kitten is so adorable that I just want to hold it and never let go. It's so sweet and yet sad that the kitten is so tired yet so scared of going to sleep in a strange new environment. Then, when it simply plops down exhausted you can't say that isn't the most adorable thing ever.

Even with all the noise and care that a kitten needs, seeing videos like this makes me want a kitten more than ever before. The cuteness scale is way off the charts and will melt you into your socks if you're not careful.

And so there we are. The best of the best from movies, video games, cats, anime, and item reviews.

With every brain bleach worthy video comes a video in it's wake that more than makes up for the torture imposed upon the viewing public. The future might come to see a whole new set of categories where we will see the best of what YouTube has to offer or maybe another video will dethrone a previous one. Only time will tell.

That's all from this round of the Hallelujah Chorus Awards.

I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette and I'm in the mood for more great YouTube videos. Bring on the cats!

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