Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Food and Mystery Bag Review

Hey everyone.

Yes, yes, this blog usually is random reviews of random videos I've found on the internet.

Well, while the Cinema Chick is in town those sorts of things are on hold for a while. But fear not, there is such a video to watch in the meantime.

Our first homage to Ashens turned out so well we decided to do more each day she is here. Well, we ended up doing one two night ago but it didn't get uploaded today and two last night because we didn't want to make a super long video.

So there will be two posts from me today. This first one is our first Food and Mystery Bag Review with the TRASH CAN OF DOOOM.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First Ever Mystery Bag

Hey all. I know it's been a long time since I've done any video reviewing on this site.

Well my dear friend Cinema Chick and I have on our vacation together have started with some homages to the video reviewer Ashens. Those who haven't seen that man then go look him up now.

And without further ado, here is our first ever mystery bag special.

More to come soon.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Gangnam Eye Joe

Alo everyone.

It's been quite a while since my last post here on Video Roulette. I know I've kept up with my other blogs better than this one.

Well for me, I tend to work on something when I feel inspired rather than forcing the inspiration to come on it's own.

As it so happens, I have finally come across my inspiration in the form of a mash up.

Most people have done mash-ups of songs for club mixes or for the fun of it to see what they come up with.

Seems someone else out there as come up with one lately that I discovered while wandering about the site.

Here is what happens when one mixes Cotton Eye Joe by Red Nex with Gangnam Style by Psy

I can honestly say that in the early days of the Gangnam style fad...I wasn't a fan of this song. Heck, I still don't really like this song. It became even worse when it was used for the pistachio commercial.

Cotton Eye Joe was a song I actually sorta liked. My friends and I were dorky enough back in the day to come up with our own dance for Cotton Eye Joe.

I would have never thought to put these two together in a video but here they are and's pretty good.

The mix of the two songs was blended really well and it was so odd that it should be more of a challenge to make it through the song and not laugh. I caught myself chuckling at the blending.

I think this might be the only way I actually like Gangnam style. So I can honestly vote that this was time well spent on my part.

For once, I don't need a bucket of brain bleach. What is the world coming to?

That's all for now, let's just hope my next video find won't make me want to rip my own ears off.