Thursday, September 12, 2013

Is This...REALLY the Sound a Fox Makes?

Annnd I'm back.

Welcome back to Video Roulette. The place where I could probably damage my eardrums with YouTube videos for your amusement. Or just maybe, the next video I watch will have me trying to license Handel's chorus of angels to sing in amazement. Only time and the next click of my mouse will tell.

I've been in a slump from my days being a dork and video watching while trying to catch up on my many subscriptions to various YouTube channels as well as those menial everyday tasks called chores.

But, thanks, or rather no thanks, to a friend of mine, I've been shocked back into the world of random videos once again by a challenge put forth to me by my friend.

Now, this video was sent to her by a friend and thus sent it on to me because my friend knew I hadn't worked on my blog lately.

Well, I've watched the video to it's end and come out the other side and now it's your turn.

Here is my friend's video roulette challenge:

At the first few seconds of this video, my mind was trying to decide if this was some elaborate version of a child's video about animal sounds or someone's joking rendition of taking a song in another language and typing out words in English that sounded like the foreign words.

Certainly the accent coming from the first singer made me think the later over the former. But being YouTube I wasn't going to rule the first option out.

However, I was proven so very VERY wrong.

The words at the bottom of the screen matched all too perfectly and the video itself seemed utterly serious in going right along with the lyrics.

These guys are completely serious. Don't get me wrong. I know all about the furry culture. I have a couple of friends who have taught me a great deal.

This song just gets crazier and crazier as it goes along. Between the non-words the singer uses to describe "what a fox says" and the costumes...there is little brain power left to the viewer by the end that isn't filled with more questions than answers.

All of the imagery in this video is oddly great and the singers themselves are pretty cute, at least from my perspective.

I mean, who hasn't been read a story on someone's lap from a book about the sounds animals make? I know I was when I was a child.

But combining effects like choreography, laser tunnels, and hot guys with fox suits and masks, the odd lyrics...and...oh yeah the cg dancing and rapping fox at the end. I mean really?!!?

There is only one thing I can say about this video: WTF DID I JUST WATCH??!!?

So there you have it. Yet another video that calls for a tanker truck load of bleach. Or in the words of one of my friends that I inflicted this video on: Never again.

And I agree. Once is enough for me.

So, that's all from this confused blogger. I will go back out on the hunt for more random YouTube videos and see what else I can find. Till next time, stay sane everyone...or as sane as possible.

This is Creative Karma and I'm off to back order some more brain bleach.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Are you REALLY born that way??

Allllllo everyone.

Yes tis I, Creative Karma.

It's been a long time since I've been here to torture myself as well as my semi-captive audience that can't stop watching like a train wreck.

However, I am back drawn out of my hiatus of sorts with a video sent to me by a dear friend... Although, might have to rethink that friend bit... Just kidding. I love her for sending me gems like the one she sent me today.

Just like with all these videos, I wouldn't have known of it's existence without someone's help.

Would have I been better off without it? Let's find out as I show you the newest spoof sensation: X-Men Born This Way

Yes folks here is a group of friends I presume that figure if Weird Al Yankovich can pull of a spoof then why can't they?

While I give them that the creativity, unique spin on the lyrics, and yet staying close enough to the original song so we lesser mortals can know what song they are spoofing (save for the title) are definitely in their favor. (Side note: I'm a dork enough to have The Hunger Games in my head after those last words).

What's not in their favor is the fact the guy who is singing the song...just can't sing. Sure sometimes it works but most of the time it comes off more as talking with a beat but not as bad as rap music.

And yet...for this video that is perfect. I mean really, they are all dressed up as the comic book versions of the X-Men. For those of you who didn't know that...I'm sorry for your childhood that was severely lacking.

This video is funny and has tons of WTF-ery in a very good way. I'll admit I didn't know what to think at first but as the video went on I couldn't help but to get caught up in a catchy beat of the song. I wanted to sing along but I didn't know the words.

Honestly, as homemade spoofs go this is one of the better ones. They worked on those costumes and OWNED those costumes.

As for my rating on this video, I definitely have to give it my lesser used rating of Time Well Spent. I enjoyed it for what it was and might watch it another couple of times to catch anything I missed the first time around. I highly recommend sending this to your friends, family, or just anyone and have a good chuckle.

Crazy good things can come in odd packages and this video is no different.

Try it, have a laugh, and let it brighten your day.

As for me, I think I will get back on the hunt for more crazy or out there videos that deserve a first glance.

I'm Creative Karma and I'm a dork and proud of it. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Double Shot of Mystery Items

Hey everyone.

Well, at last, I have the promised two videos that we did back to back.

So for your enjoyment:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Food and Mystery Bag Review

Hey everyone.

Yes, yes, this blog usually is random reviews of random videos I've found on the internet.

Well, while the Cinema Chick is in town those sorts of things are on hold for a while. But fear not, there is such a video to watch in the meantime.

Our first homage to Ashens turned out so well we decided to do more each day she is here. Well, we ended up doing one two night ago but it didn't get uploaded today and two last night because we didn't want to make a super long video.

So there will be two posts from me today. This first one is our first Food and Mystery Bag Review with the TRASH CAN OF DOOOM.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First Ever Mystery Bag

Hey all. I know it's been a long time since I've done any video reviewing on this site.

Well my dear friend Cinema Chick and I have on our vacation together have started with some homages to the video reviewer Ashens. Those who haven't seen that man then go look him up now.

And without further ado, here is our first ever mystery bag special.

More to come soon.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Gangnam Eye Joe

Alo everyone.

It's been quite a while since my last post here on Video Roulette. I know I've kept up with my other blogs better than this one.

Well for me, I tend to work on something when I feel inspired rather than forcing the inspiration to come on it's own.

As it so happens, I have finally come across my inspiration in the form of a mash up.

Most people have done mash-ups of songs for club mixes or for the fun of it to see what they come up with.

Seems someone else out there as come up with one lately that I discovered while wandering about the site.

Here is what happens when one mixes Cotton Eye Joe by Red Nex with Gangnam Style by Psy

I can honestly say that in the early days of the Gangnam style fad...I wasn't a fan of this song. Heck, I still don't really like this song. It became even worse when it was used for the pistachio commercial.

Cotton Eye Joe was a song I actually sorta liked. My friends and I were dorky enough back in the day to come up with our own dance for Cotton Eye Joe.

I would have never thought to put these two together in a video but here they are and's pretty good.

The mix of the two songs was blended really well and it was so odd that it should be more of a challenge to make it through the song and not laugh. I caught myself chuckling at the blending.

I think this might be the only way I actually like Gangnam style. So I can honestly vote that this was time well spent on my part.

For once, I don't need a bucket of brain bleach. What is the world coming to?

That's all for now, let's just hope my next video find won't make me want to rip my own ears off.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Blind Video

Hello all. It's been a long winter full of ups and downs. But now it's time to bring back the randomness with my first post of the new year.

Sure, I should have done one on New Years but why be like everyone else?

Anyway, I had mentioned in past that I was considering doing videos recommended by friends. Well, I figure it's about time to start.

The way this'll work is just a friend giving me a link for a video without telling me anything about it and I watch and review. It can be an amazing video or a scary video. Any video goes but it's their choice. Knowing my friends...I might have to wonder about my own sanity.

But nonetheless, for the first "Blind Video", the recommendation comes from my dear friend and movie reviewer Cinema Chick. Seriously, check out her stuff.

She's helping me kick off this show with a little video. So, here we go.

Oh the folly to assume my friends would be kind to me for these videos.

I had heard of this man, seen a clip or two used on some shows but I never watched a whole YouTube video of the man....and I still haven't.

Usually, I pride myself on watching a video in it's entirety but sometimes a video comes along that seeps so deeply into the psyche that in only a minute or two you know you will never unsee what you just saw.

That is this video in a nutshell. "Prepare to be disturbed" she says. Oh that just doesn't cover it.

For reasons that should be obvious, this will get my WTF?! rating simply for the mind numbing sensation it caused me.

Yes, I'm sure to have nightmares now. I might have to watch a zombie movie to balance things out. I'm Creative Karma here at Video Roulette hoping no one else will stoop low enough to hump a goat.